FNCCEC is pleased to launch the ILC 2025-2026 Call for Proposals

The Indigenous Languages and Cultures Program is a Canadian Heritage funded program. The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres (FNCCEC) is the Regionally Designated Organization (RDO) for Ontario and is working in collaboration with Canadian Heritage on Indigenous languages.

The deadline for applications is Friday, March 28th, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET (Local Ottawa Time).
No application will be accepted after 5:00 PM ET (Local Ottawa Time) Friday March 28th, 2025.​
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How to Apply

Details Coming Soon

The FNCCEC is accepting Indigenous Languages Component (ILC) funding proposals for a 2025-2026 single year proposal from First Nation communities and/or organizations in Ontario.

First Nation communities and First Nation organizations in Ontario who are planning to submit an application, please see the FNCCEC – ILC 2025-2026 FUNDING GUIDELINES. You must follow the terms outlined in the Funding Guidelines.

It is also mandatory to use the required Forms which are in the Application Package – please make sure to use the Application Checklist (included in Application Package):

Please follow the instructions described in the Guidelines, the Checklist and the Proposal Application Forms.

Applicants must use the FNCCEC Proposal Application Forms: Appendix 1 to 6. FNCCEC will not accept applications submitted with Canadian Heritage Application Template.

Please read carefully the FNCCEC FUNDING GUIDELINES detailing the Eligibilities; mandatory requirements for the Application package; deadline submission date and time; and contact information for help with the application.

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Submit Your Application by Email:

Submit your application by email to: ilcprogram@fnccec.ca (the contact information is included in the Funding Guidelines).

FNCCEC email system will confirm the date and time the email was sent by the applicant and received by FNCCEC.

Submit Your Application by Mail:

  • FNCCEC / Language Secretariat
    666 Kirkwood Avenue, Suite 302
    Ottawa, Ontario K1Z5X9

    Mailed applications must be sent by Canada Post and postmarked on or before the deadline date.

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Success Stories

The First Nations Confederacy of Cultural Education Centres actively supports numerous communities and groups in their language revitalization efforts. These success stories are just a few examples of the funding program’s positive impact.
Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek logo

Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek

Circle of Turtle Lodge

Circle of Turtle Lodge

Anishinaabekwewag Grandmother’s Circle

Anishinaabekwewag Grandmother’s Circle

Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig

Bkejwanong Kinomaagewgamig

Matawa First Nations Management/Education

Matawa First Nations Management / Education

Ne Chee Friendship Centre

Ne-Chee Friendship Centre

Important Information:

FNCCEC is not responsible for any application sent directly to Canadian Heritage by the applicant and not provided by Canadian Heritage to the FNCCEC by the FNCCEC specified application deadline date and time. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure your application is received by FNCCEC by the specified date and time set by FNCCEC.

Inquiries or Assistance:

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact FNCCEC by email at ILCProgram@fnccec.ca or by phone at 613-728-5999.

Thank you for your interest in applying to the ILC funding program.