Project Description
The project proposes activities: drafting of resources songs; database of online language learning materials and resources; language training for instructors.
Songs for Ceremony: The main goal of this project is to revive and teach ceremonial songs; and to provide off reserve community members with the opportunity to learn ceremonial songs in the Anishinabemowin language; the songs will have the English interpretations on sheet music with recordings
Resource 1
- Book(s) – Songs for Ceremony: opening & closing songs; songs for tobacco, water & food; songs for each direction; songs for funerals.
- Language Levels: Beginner
- Target Audience: Community
Resource 2
- Databases – Reference Library of texts used by Language programs.
- Language Level: Beginner
- Target Audience: Community base for all ages
- Language Training for Instructors – Immersion to gain fluency
- Language Level: Intermediate
- Number of Participants: 1 (will become the language teacher)
- Number of hours of Instruction per Participant: 240
Resource 1
- Book(s) – Songs for Ceremony: opening & closing songs; songs for tobacco, water & food; songs for each direction; songs for funerals.
- Language Levels: Beginner
- Target Audience: Community base for all ages
Resource 2
- Databases – Reference Library of texts used by Language programs
- Language Level: Intermediate
- Target Audience: youth and adults
- Language Training for Instructors – Immersion to gain fluency
- Language Level: Advanced
- Number of Participants: 1 (will become a language teacher)
- Number of hours of Instruction per Participant: 240