Project Description
The Four Generations Potawatomi Language Project will establish a Potawatomi Language Working Group (comprised of Elders, Youth, Researcher-Writer, Artist, Language Experts and teachers and Grandmothers) to help guide and direct the development and implementation of the project.
- Book(s) – A series of four theme-based booklets will be researched (with local Potawatomi Elders/Speakers) and developed based on traditional Potawatomi seasonal activities including: “On the Water” – fishing, canoeing, water teachings; “In the Bush” – camping, survival skills, trees, fire teachings; “In the Lodge” – preparing foods, feasts, storytelling; and “At the Sugarbush” – making maple syrup and sugar, legends and songs.
- Language Level: Beginner
- Target Audience: All ages – family oriented
- Language Nests – based and supported by resource materials and activities developed by Working Group: Elders, Teachers, Researcher, Writer, Grandmothers Circle, Project Coordinator, Youth Assistant Coordinator.
- Language Level: Beginner
- Number of Participants: There will be 20 participants for 4 – Working Group planning sessions. There will be 40 participants for 4 – themed family language Nests (all ages).
- Target Audience: Families: Children, Youth, Children, Parents and Grandparents.